The company held a special seminar on developing new quality productivity

On May 7th, the company held a special discussion on developing new quality productivity, with over 40 responsible parties, department managers, and key personnel participating.

This year’s National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, “new quality productivity” is one of the hot topics of concern.   The General Secretary has made important statements and made clear requirements on the development of new quality productivity on various occasions.

During his studies, Gu Qingbo provided detailed explanations on “what is new quality productivity”, “why should we develop new quality productivity”, and “how to develop new quality productivity”. He emphasized that the new quality productivity represent the evolution direction of advanced productivity, which is a qualitative state of advanced productive forces born from revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading. The basic connotation of new productivity is the leap of workers, labor materials, labor objects, and their optimized combinations. It has strong development momentum and can lead the creation of a new era of social production.

Gu Qingbo pointed out that developing new quality productivity is an inevitable choice to comply with the technological and industrial revolution, and a strategic choice for the Chinese nation to build new competitive advantages and win the initiative in development. Our company’s mission and values also call us to develop new quality productivity. We need to find our position in various aspects such as production, technology, and market, and have a sense of urgency, mission, and confidence in winning.

Customer success is our success. Our cost, efficiency, and quality must be top-notch in China and world-class, so that our customers have a living space. How to achieve it? This requires managers to sink to the front line and have a clear understanding of all production processes in order to find the fundamental methods to reduce costs, improve efficiency and quality levels. To be a good manager is to meet the requirements of new quality productivity.

Gu Qingbo requested that all departments of the company organize in-depth learning and discussion around the spirit of this meeting, and formulate goals and plans based on actual work.

Post time: May-13-2024